1. 卖方将尽力在交货期内包装好所有的货物 .
the seller will endeavor to complete allpackaging within time for the delivery date.
2. 买方承担货物运输和销售中的成本和费用 .
the buyer is responsible for the followingcosts and charges in the sale and transport of goods.
3. 卖方将发送货物到交货地的运输方式由买方决定 .
the mode of transport to the point ofdelivery is at the buyer ' s discretion.
4. 卖方应尽力一切努力启运货物以便及时交货 .
the seller will make every effort tocommence transport of the goods so that they will arrive by the delivery date.
5. 如果推迟交货,卖方应通知买方推迟交货以及延误的原因 .
if there is any delay , the sellerwill immediately notify the buyer of the delay and the reason for the delay.
6. 买方有权就新的交货日期与卖方磋商 .
the buyer will have the option torenegotiate with the seller for a new delivery date.
7. 为了自己的利益买方将为运输中的货物投保 .
the buyer will obtain and pay , on its ownaccount , for all insurance on the goods while in transit.
8. 双方理解并同意此合同适用于中国法律 .
the parties understand and agree that lawof china will be applied to interprete the contract.
9. 买卖双方为了各自的利益为货物所投保的险种由其自行负担费用 .
each party is responsible for obtaining onits own account any other insurance coverage for the goods that he may desire.
10. 如果买方以向卖方付款,在货物到达纽约港时所有权转至买方 .
title will be transferred to the buyerwhile goods are delivered to new york port , provided that the buyerhas paid.
11. 如果延迟装运是由于买方无法及时提供此类证据,在这种情况下卖方不违约 .
if shipment is delayed because the buyerfails to furnish such proof timely , the seller will notbe deemed to have breached the contract.
12. 买方同意货物被运到美国并统一货物不会被运往其他国家 .
the buyer covenants that the goods will beshipped to and delivered in american and that the buyer will not ship ordeliver the goods to any other country.
13. 买方有权在卖方的营业地检验或让其代理人检验货物 .
the buyer is entitled to inspect , or to haveits agent inspect , the goods at the seller ' s place of business.
14. 在交货后 90 天内,卖方可免费由买方更换任何有瑕疵的货物 .
within 90 days after delivery , the selleragrees to replace the goods found defective free of charges.
15. 买方将用即期汇票付款 .
the buyer will pay the price by sightdraft.
16. 买方获得由美国政府颁发的进口许可证,卖方获得由中国政府颁发的出口许可证 .
the buyer will be responsible for obtainingimport license issued by the appropriate agency of usa government , the sellerwill be responsible for obtaining export license issued by the appropriateagency of china government.
17. 如果任何一方通知另一方不想或不能履行协议,接到通知的一方有权撤消合同 .
if either party notifies the other partythat it will not or is unable , to perform this agreement , the party receivingnotice is entitled to cancel the agreement.
18.撤消的日期是收到不履行协议通知的日期 .
the date of the cancellation will be thedate on which the party receives the notice of nonperformance.
19. 由于一方违约而给另一方造成损失,就另一方所遭受的损失的合理估计,各方已达成一致 .
it is agreed that the parties haveconsidered what would be a reasonable estimate of the damages each would sufferif the other were to breach this agreement.
20. 如果卖方不能交货,卖方应向买方支付一百万美元的赔偿金 .
if the seller cannot deliver the goods theseller will pay to the buyer as liquidated damages the sum of us$1million.
21. 对本协议做出的任何修改都应引书面形式做出,并由双方签署 .
all modifications of this agreement must bein writing and signed by the parties.
22 卖方同意除本协议中的条款外,任何表述都不具可 * 性 .
the seller agrees that no reliance has beenplaced on any representation other than the provisions contained in theagreement.
23. 根据本协议规定,发出通知时一方在协议中指定的地点发出书面通知 .
to give notice pursuant to this agreement , a party mustsend written notice to the other party at the address stated in this agreement.
24. 当地址发生变化时,一方必须在变动后 90 天内通知另一方 .
a party must notify the other party in writingof any change in address within 90 days of the effective date of the change.
25. 如接受这一要约,买方必须在 2005 年 1 月 9 日前在不改变要约的前提下签字并返给对方 .
to accept this offer , the buyermust sign and return it without any modifications to the sell , who mustreceive it no later than jan.9th 2005.
26. 本合同自卖方签约之日起对双方具有约束力 .
this contract will be binding on bothparties as of the date on which it is signed by the seller.
27. 请注意你方接受这一订单的条件在此函的背面 .
please note that your acceptance to theoffer is subject to the conditions printed on the reverse of the letter.
28 你方的订单不会成为对双方具有约束力的合同 .
your order will not create a bindingcontract between both parties.
29. 除我方另行通知外在收到你方订单 90 天内我方交货 .
the delivery will be made within 90 days ofour receipt of your order , unless weotherwise inform you.
30. 如果我方在 2004 年 9 月 9 日前未收到你方的订单,此要约撤消 .
the offer will be canceled if we do notreceive an order from you by sept.9th.2004.
31. 除卖方以书面形式接受更改外,更改 . 删除和添加任何此要约中的条款均为无效 .
no alternation , deletion , or additionto these conditions will have any effect unless the seller accepts the changein writing.
32. 延迟交货是由于卖方努力提供符合买方要求的特别规格的货物,买方无权撤消合同 .
if the delay in delivery results because ofthe seller ' s efforts to comply with particular specifications supplied by thebuyer , the buyer will not have a right to cancel the contract.
33. 在这种情况下卖方将通知买方延迟交货,双方重新磋商一个交货日期 .
the seller will notify the buyer of thedelay and the parties will renegotiate another delivery date.
34 由于买方提出了特定的规格导致了买方不能按时交货 .
the seller ' s inability to meetthe delivery date designated because the buyer has furnished particularspecifications will net be a breach of contract.
35. 如果买方认为交付的货物有瑕疵,买方将把货物返还给卖方 .
if the buyer believes that any goodsdelivered are defective , the buyer will return the goods to the seller.
36. 如果买方要求换货,并且有货可换在货物被返还之后卖方应为买方交换原定的货物 .
if the goods are returned to the seller , the sellwill replace the goods as original order provided that the buyer requests replacementand provided that replacement goods can still be provided.
37. 如果买方没给相关承运人书面通知或提出索赔要求,卖方将不再考虑对货物损坏损失的赔偿 .
the seller will not consider any claim fordamages or loss unless the buyer presents a separate writes notice and claim tothe carrier concerned.
38. 卖方只有在获得原材料的前提下才能接受订单 .
the seller ' s acceptance of anyorder is subject to the seller ' s ability to acquire the raw materials.
39. 如果卖方由于无法获得原材料而无法完成订单,卖方有权撤消合同 .
if the seller cannot complete an orderbecause raw materials are unavailable , the seller has theright to cancel the contract.
40. 买方无权修改货物或其包装,所有广告必须指明卖方拥有知识产权 .
the buyer will not modify /is not entitledthe goods and packaging of the goods in any way, and all advertisingmust specify that the seller owns the intellectual property rights.
41. 依据本协议无论货物是否移交买方,卖方保留货物所有权直到买方付清全部货款 .
pursuant to the contract, whether thegoods are delivered to the buyer or not the seller will retain the title to thegoods until the buyer has paid the price in full.
42.任何一方不可不经另一方书面同意转让本合同 .
neither party may assign the agreementwithout the written consent of the other paty.
43 依据本协议货物一直归制造商所有,并受其控制,直到卖给客户 .
pursuant to the agreement , themanufacturer will retain the title to the goods until the goods are sold to theconsumer.
44. 货物所有权由制造尚直接移交给客户 .
the title of goods will pass to consumerfrom manufacturer directly.
45. 制造商有权更改货物价格更改后立即向分销商提供一个新的价目单 .
the manufacturer has/reserve the right tochange any of the prices for the goods , in which event theman will immediately inform the distributors of the changes with a now pricelist.
46. 制造商拥有所有与货物有关的商标 . 名称 . 和设计等知识产权 .
the manufacturer own all the property rightsin all of the marks names and designs connected with the goods.
47. 双方承认他们将建立一个互利互惠的关系,为此他们将努力通过友好磋商的方式解决 .
the parties acknowledges that they intendto establish a mutually beneficial relationship , to this end , they willstrive to resolve the disputes through amicable negotiation.
48. 制造商同意制造和保留足以交付给分销商代表的一定数量的货物 .
the manufacturer agreement to manufactureand reserve a quantity if goods sufficient to deliver timely all the goods thatthe sale representative may sell.
49 我放已收到你方 2004 年 1 月 6 日对如下货物的订单 .
we confirm your order received on jan.6th.2004for the following goods.
50. 双方同意买卖如下货物 .
the seller agrees to sell the goods and thebuyer agrees to purchase the following goods.