结业证书 certificate of completion
毕业证书 certificate of graduation
肄业证书 certificate of completion/incompletion/attendance/study
教育学院 college/institute of education
中学 middle[secondary] school
师范学校 normal school[upper secondary level]
师范专科学校 normal specialised postsecondary college
师范大学 normal[teachers] university
公正书 notarial certificate
专科学校 postsecondary specialised college
广播电视大学 radio and television university
中等专科学校 secondary specialised school
自学考试 self-study examination
技工学校 skilled workers[training] school
业余大学 spare-time university
职工大学 staff and workers university
大学 university(regular,degree-granting)
职业大学 vocational university
专门课程 specialized courses
教育程度 educational background
主修 major 副修 minor
所学课程 courses taken
进修课程 refresher course
学术活动 academic activities
社会活动 social activities
留学生 abroad student
研究生 graduate student
学士 bachelor 硕士 master
博士 doctor(ph.d) 博士后 post doctorate